Learn more on the GenOvis program.
Here are the list of the topics covered by our GenOvis tutorials:
Record Data on the GenOvis Online Program
Mating Module
GenOvis Reports
Learning Basic Notions
Learning Dairy Sheep Basic Notions
Learn how being efficient for data entry on GenOvis.
Smart tips on animal search within the GenOvis program
Learn how to use the filters from GenOvis search tool to find easily your animals.
Add scrapie genotype on GenOvis
Add scrapie genotype in your GenOvis animal file.
Add conformation score on GenOvis
Add conformation score on your GenOvis animal file. This service is provided in Quebec by the Quebec purebred sheep breeders’ association (SEMRPQ).
Add manually young animals within your GenOvis current inventory
Add manually young animals within your GenOvis current inventory (animal by animal).
Import a list of animals to add in your current inventory
Add RB (retained for breeding) code to a group of animals you would like to be added in your GenOvis current inventory (import file).
Be efficient in your mating module requests and learn how to use the result file.
Overview of the GenOvis mating module
Introduction to the functions of the GenOvis mating module to plan breeding based on progeny inbreeding coefficient and estimated breeding values.
Efficient animal selection on your GenOvis mating module requests
Presentation of the different modes for animal selection within the GenOvis mating module and steps to process to submit your request.
Interpretation of the GenOvis mating result file
Explanation of the GenOvis mating module result file and smart tips to help quickly idenfying best matches and those to avoid.
Learn more on the GenOvis reports and how to access them.
Presentation of the Animal Performance Certificate
Presentation of the complete and simplified versions of the GenOvis Animal Performance Certificate.
Presentation of the Compact Lamb Report
Presentation of the GenOvis Compact Lamb Report and its various filters to manage data display. This is the most popular lamb report for replacement selection.
What is a ram kinship report?
Presentation of the ram kinship report and how to use it.
Learn more on basic notions and any relevant information.
What is an EPD?
Explanation of the GenOvis EPDs (estimated progeny difference) notion.
What is a selection index?
Explanation of the GenOvis genetic selection index notion.
What is a percentile?
Explanation of the GenOvis percentile notion.
Presentation of the genetic indexes GAIN & CARC
Presentation of the two GenOvis genetic selection indexes for terminal breed selection.
Presentation of the genetic indexes MAT & MAT-U
Presentation of the two GenOvis genetic selection indexes for maternal and prolific breed selection to improve maternal and growth traits while maintaining the prolificacy.
Presentation of the genetic indexes MAT-HP & MAT-UHP
Presentation of the two GenOvis genetic selection indexes for maternal and prolific breed selection to improve the prolificacy.
Why management groups are so important?
Explanation on management group basis and minimum criteria to create efficient management groups within GenOvis.
Why using comment codes?
Explanation on comment codes use in GenOvis.
Importance of mortatlity codes for lambs
Explanation on the requirement to collect accurate mortality data on lambs for the genetic evaluation for the GenOvis program.
How to select ewe-lambs for replacement?
Explanation on how doing selection of young females for replacement using GenOvis breeding values.
Selection intensity vs objectives
Information on intensity tresholds to apply in relation with your selection objective.
Learn more on basic notions and any relevant information related to dairy sheep.
What is a dairy EBV?
Information on dairy EBVs (estimated breeding values) and how to use them.
What is a dairy genetic selection index?
Information on dairy genetic selection indexes and how to use them.
What is a dairy percentile?
Information on dairy percentiles and how to use them.
Thanks to our financial partner for the realization of these tutorials.