Top Rams Lists


The Top rams lists allow purebred producers to easily find the best evaluated rams on the GenOvis program. Only the top 10% of animals for each breed will be displayed here (Top Rams).


Maternal and prolific rams are selected on the following genetic indexes:

  1. Maternal Index (MAT)
  2. Maternal Ultrasound Index (MAT-U)
  3. Maternal Higher Prolificacy Index (MAT-HP)
  4. Maternal Ultrasound Higher Prolificacy Index (MAT-UHP)

Terminal rams are selected on the following genetic indexes:

  1. Gain Index (GAIN)
  2. Carcass Index (CARC)

Owner’s Location

To find the owner of the animals present on these lists, look at the Participants List located on the home page. You will find the name and location of the owners related to their GenOvis number.


For information, contact Ms Amelie St-Pierre by phone at 1-418-856-1200 extension 3 or by email at

Top Rams In Proof

Young rams under 2 years of age that have the selected genetic index value of equal to or greater than 90%. These rams must also be indicated as retained for breeding for use within the flock or for sale. Must of them don’t have progeny but some may have a maximum of 9 progeny evaluated on GenOvis. Rams displayed on these lists can also be older than 2 years of age only if they had progeny within the last year.

Proven Top Rams

Rams under 5 years of age, that have a minimum of 10 progeny recorded and weighed in GenOvis and a selected genetic index value of equal to or greater than 90%. Rams older than 5 years of age can also be displayed if they had progeny within the last year.