Publication Criteria
- Be purebred
- Maximum of 9 progeny evaluated on GenOvis
- Maximum of 2 years old or having progeny within the last year
- Have 50d and 100d weights recorded in GenOvis
- Be identified as reproductive ram and doesn’t be disposed
- For genetic indexes that included ultrasound traits: have been scanned
- The selected genetic index must be from 50% to 89%
Genotype and conformation score (Quebec) appear only if that information is recorded in GenOvis. Genotype and conformation score are not requirements to be part of these lists.
Weekly update
Quick links
Please consult the GenOvis participants list to get the farm contact information.
Ram-lambs listed in these lists have no progeny recorded in the GenOvis database; the EPDs and selection indexes of these young rams are more likely to change with time since the evaluations are generally based on less information.
Animal Sort Order
In these reports, the rams are sorted in descending order of Maternal index (MAT), Maternal Ultrasound index (MAT-U), Maternal Higher Prolificacy index (MAT-HP) or Maternal Ultrasound Higher Prolificacy index (MAT-UHP) for maternal breeds and in descending order of Gain index (GAIN) or Carcass index (CARC) for terminal breeds. The rams are sorted youngest to oldest.
Additional Information
The rank presents the ranking of the animal within all animals listed in the report.
Owner refers to the GenOvis program identification number of the owner of the animal in the system at the time of the main run. Please consult the GenOvis participants list to get the farm contact information.
To publish breed’s top rams’ list, there must be a minimum of 3 producers who have evaluated a total of 100 ewes in the genetic program during the year.
It may happen for low effective breeds that some lists are not available. If there is no file related to the link, this means there is no animal that meets the publication criteria.