Genetic Trends

CANADA 2010-2019



Genetic trends show genetic progress accomplished year over year on average lambs performance for animals born in the last 10 years.

Some fluctuations in the graphs are explained by:

  • new flocks added and flocks that have discontinued evaluation on GenOvis (changes in the proven population)
  • ewe and ram breeding distribution over years

If a few rams bred large groups of ewes, graph fluctuations may be higher as some rams have extreme breeding values that may have large influence on average lamb EPDs within a year.

 Average EPDs by birth year = average lamb performance for the year (average of all the breeds and crosses together) PLUS the average EPD value of the same year. Average EPDs are reported for the past 10 years.


Traits (EPDs), Genetic Indexes and Unit

Birth weight direct (kg)
50 day weight direct (kg)
Gain 50-100 day direct (kg)
Birth weight maternal (kg)
50 day weight maternal (kg)
Number born at first lambing (# lambs)
Number born at later lambings (# lambs)
Total weight weaned at first lambing (# lambs)
Total weight weaned at later lambings (# lambs)
Lamb survival direct (# lambs)
Lamb survival maternal (# lambs)
Age at first lambing (# days)
Interval between lambings (# days)
Ultrasound carcass loin depth (mm)
Ultrasound carcass fat depth (mm)
Gain index
Carcass index
Maternal index
Maternal Ultrasound index
Maternel Higher Prolificacy index
Maternal Ultrasound Higher Prolificacy index